First Kevin explained the differences between Australian and US real estate, which mostly involves the lack of buyer agents. Most agents represent both sides of the transaction for an average commission of 2.5%.
Then we dive into the best habits Kevin has observed in top agents he’s worked with and interviewed on his shows. We start with short-term mindset and the focus on transactions. The top agents focus on relationships first and the deals come as a byproduct.
Kevin shared how top agents are their own hardest critics, constantly striving and looking for ways to improve their performance and their outcomes. They never believe they’re the best just because someone told them that or because they had one great transaction. They are always planning, looking ahead and picking up new skills for their future.
Last we touch on a few reasons agents don’t become successful investors. Kevin explained that agents don’t focus on developing multiple income streams and don’t have a long-term plan for their business or their life.
Exploding your business may not be easy but it can be simple. Write down the 10-15 things you want to improve in your business. Focus only on the top 1-3 things and get those changes implemented. By focusing on just those few very important changes you’re more likely to follow through and see real results.
Kevin Turner is a real estate veteran and host of Real Estate Uncut and Real Estate Talk in Australia. Learn more about Kevin’s shows at and
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